Stroke Treatment

Our goal is to help stroke patients adapt to their new life independently as quickly as possible. A stroke is a serious, life-threatening medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted. Approximately 70% of stroke patients are over the age of 65, but strokes can occur at any age and require immediate medical attention. A clot that blocks blood flow to the brain (ischemic stroke) or a rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke) damages the surrounding tissue, resulting in the loss of brain function.

Post-stroke rehabilitation aims to achieve the maximum possible physical, functional, and psychosocial recovery for patients. While many stroke survivors experience long-term functional impairments, research shows that early and intensive rehabilitation leads to a quicker return to independent living.

Early treatment
Robotic devices and virtual reality technologies
Individualized, intensive, and comprehensive treatment
24-hour doctor supervision
24-saat doktor gözetimi

Stroke Treatment Program

At NeuroverseClinic, we emphasize early rehabilitation with a specialized team to address the critical early months following a stroke. Prompt treatment of movement, speech, and/or cognitive deficits is essential, as delaying neurorehabilitation can make recovery more challenging.

Our holistic approach integrates top-tier medical care with intensive daily therapies tailored to your current condition and goals. You can receive personalized rehabilitation with up to 4-6 therapy sessions per day. Each therapy aims to restore lost skills:

  • Physiotherapy: Conventional exercises enhance muscle strength and coordination, restoring mobility.
  • Forced Use Therapy: The unaffected arm is immobilized while intensive repetitive therapy is applied to improve the function of the affected arm. Task-specific training is conducted on the affected arm for 6-7 hours per day.
  • Robot-Assisted Walking Training: Enables both adult and pediatric patients to walk again and regain leg functions more rapidly and accurately than traditional physical therapy methods.
  • Robotic Hand-Finger-Arm Training: Robotic devices support the patient’s arm, reducing its weight and enhancing active movement. This frequent repetition aids the brain’s re-learning process.
  • Virtual Reality-Assisted Gait and Balance Training: Provides a “virtual reality environment” with various exercises to improve balance, walking, and cognitive function.
  • Electrical Stimulation: Prevents muscle wasting and strengthens the affected muscles.
  • Ergotherapy (Occupational Therapy): Enhances sensory and motor development, improving daily living activities such as dressing, feeding, brushing teeth, meal preparation, and managing household tasks.
  • Cognitive Therapy: Aims to recover lost cognitive abilities including memory, processing, problem-solving, social skills, judgment, and safety awareness.
  • Swallowing Therapy: Includes video fluoroscopic swallowing evaluations and aids in regaining lost swallowing skills as needed.
  • Speech Therapy: Focuses on restoring abilities related to speaking, listening, writing, and understanding.
  • Respiratory Therapy: Addresses respiratory tract obstructions and aids in regaining physical activity and endurance.
Frequently Asked Questions

A stroke is a serious, life-threatening medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted. Stroke can be caused by blood clots or ruptured blood vessels and includes cerebral infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. This condition can lead to disabilities by impairing a person’s movement, sensory abilities, speech, swallowing, and other functions.


Strokes are characterized by symptoms caused by reduced blood flow to specific areas of the brain. Typical stroke symptoms usually occur on one side of the body and include:

  • Numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg
  • Difficulty moving an arm or leg
  • Difficulty walking
  • Trouble speaking
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty seeing, hearing, smelling, or tasting

Healing of brain and nerve cells begins immediately after a stroke and continues for weeks. Research has demonstrated that earlier initiation of rehabilitation leads to better outcomes. In fact, very early treatments, ideally within the first few weeks, are recommended. Evidence shows that early, intensive, and comprehensive rehabilitation—both for outpatients and inpatients—plays a crucial role in positively influencing the reorganization of the nervous system and helps patients achieve the highest possible level of functionality.

In this context, stroke rehabilitation involves a series of treatment and training programs aimed at improving movement, balance, speech, and cognitive functions. These programs are tailored to the individual needs of the patients and include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, robotic rehabilitation, swallowing and speech therapy, and cognitive treatments.

Bu kapsamda yapılan felç rehabilitasyonu, felçli hastaların hareket, denge, konuşma ve bilişsel işlevlerini geliştirmeye yönelik bir dizi tedavi ve eğitim programı hastaların bireysel ihtiyaçlarına göre uyarlanır. Fizyoterapi, iş uğraşı terapisi, robotik rehabilitasyon, yutma ve konuşma terapisi, bilişsel tedaviler uygulanır.


During inpatient physical therapy, the patient works with a multidisciplinary team, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, speech and swallowing therapists, respiratory therapists, psychologists, and dietitians, under the leadership of a Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Physician. Inpatient stroke rehabilitation requires 24-hour care and treatment. This type of rehabilitation is typically provided in the initial weeks or months following a stroke, when intensive treatment is most crucial.

Inpatient rehabilitation is designed to maximize the recovery period between inpatient and outpatient care by offering cognitive and exercise-based programs.

After admission to our inpatient service, a fully personalized rehabilitation program tailored to each patient’s needs is provided throughout the day (4-6 hours of treatment). The rehabilitation process includes an intensive exercise program with robotic rehabilitation devices, consultations for a holistic approach, and periodic patient evaluations.

Comprehensive, intensive robotic rehabilitation, combined with medical treatment for the brain and other organs, results in a significantly faster and more effective recovery compared to traditional rehabilitation methods.

  • 4-6 hours of one-on-one rehabilitation daily
  • Multidisciplinary patient care encompassing all medical specialties
  • 24-hour medical supervision
  • Personalized robotic neurorehabilitation program addressing all the patient’s needs

Yatılı rehabilitasyon bilişsel ve egzersize dayalı programlar sunarak yatan hasta rehabilitasyonundan ayakta tedaviye geçiş arasındaki hasta iyileşmesi için en değerli zamanı kullanmak üzere tasarlanmıştır.

Yatılı servisimize kabulden sonra, hastalarımızın ihtiyaçlarına göre tamamen kişiselleştirilmiş bir rehabilitasyon programı tüm gün sürecek şekilde (4-6 saatlik tedavi süresi) sunulacaktır. Rehabilitasyon süreci robotik rehabilitasyon cihazları ile yoğun egzersiz programı, bütünsel bir yaklaşım için konsültasyonlar ve periyodik hasta değerlendirme süreçlerini içermektedir.

Hastalarımızın beyin ve tüm organları ile ilgili tıbbi tedavisi ile eş zamanlı olarak kapsamlı yoğun (intensive) robotik rehabilitasyon klasik rehabilitasyona göre çok daha hızlı ve 2 kattan daha etkin bir iyileşme olanağı sunar.

  • Her gün 4-6 saat arası birebir rehabilitasyon
  • Tüm tıp branşları ile multi-disipliner hasta bakımı
  • 24 saat doktor gözetimi
  • Hastanın tüm ihtiyaçlarını kapsayan kişiselleştirilmiş robotik nörorehabilitasyon programı

The average length of stay for patients undergoing inpatient physical therapy for neurorehabilitation is approximately 8 weeks. However, this duration can vary based on individual factors, such as the extent of functional loss, the severity of brain or spinal cord damage, and the patient’s response to treatment. Once the patient’s condition stabilizes, outpatient treatments may continue.

Your personalized program will be designed and assessed weekly to ensure consistent progress. For optimal rehabilitation, we believe it is crucial to provide reliable and objective data on the patient’s progress throughout the treatment. Based on these evaluations, decisions regarding discharge will be made.


There are four important factors for the success of rehabilitation:

  1. Hospital Providing Multidisciplinary Support: Access to a range of medical specialties and multidisciplinary branch support.
  2. Expert Physical Therapists and Rehabilitation Team: Highly experienced professionals dedicated to delivering expert care.
  3. Advanced Technological Support:
    • Walking robots
    • Hand robots
    • Arm robots
    • Advanced walking and balance robots
    • Integrated sensors and virtual reality
    • Body weight support systems
    • Touch screens
  4. Unlocking the Full Healing Potential: An intensive and comprehensive treatment program lasting approximately 4-6 hours daily, designed to stimulate maximum recovery.

In inpatient robotic rehabilitation, which lasts 4-6 hours, each patient receives:

  • 1 walking robot (Lokomat Pro or C-mill VR Plus)
  • 1 hand-arm-finger robot (Armeo Spring or Amedeo)
  • Physiotherapy twice daily
  • Electrotherapy twice daily
  • Occupational therapy sessions several times a week, with each session lasting between 30 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the treatment
  • Speech-swallowing therapy and respiratory therapy as needed

In outpatient robotic rehabilitation, which lasts 3-4 hours, each patient receives:

  • 1 walking robot (Lokomat Pro or C-mill VR Plus)
  • 1 hand-arm-finger robot (Armeo Spring or Amedeo)
  • Physiotherapy once daily
  • Electrotherapy once daily
  • Occupational therapy sessions