Turkey's Most Comprehensive and Advanced Technological Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Turkey's Most Comprehensive and Advanced Technological
Robotic Rehabilitation Center

Robotic Rehabilitation

NeuroverseClinic is a robotic rehabilitation and neurorehabilitation clinic that offers innovative and personalized intensive treatments using the latest technologies for post-operative rehabilitation of stroke (paralysis), Parkinson's disease, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, and other neurological and orthopedic diseases.

Acıbadem Taksim Hospital

We help you overcome neurological and orthopedic disorders caused by brain and spinal cord injuries.
We believe in medical innovations

Robot-Assisted Walking Training

LOKOMAT PRO with pediatric orthoses combines technology and virtual reality to enable both adults and children to walk again and regain leg functions more rapidly and accurately than traditional physical therapy methods.

Without robotic assistance, initiating walking training in the early rehabilitation phase is often not feasible for many patients. LOKOMAT PRO provides support and balance through its exoskeleton, while its body weight support system allows the patient to maintain an upright posture. The entire progress of the patient is meticulously recorded through precise measurements made by sensors on the knee and hip orthoses.

Robotic Hand-Arm Training

ARMEO SPRING aids in restoring function to the arm, forearm, and wrist for patients who have experienced a stroke or have impaired arm function. The robotic device supports the patient’s arm, reducing its weight and enhancing active movement. It facilitates the re-learning process in the brain by providing intensive treatment with frequent repetition.

Virtual Reality-Assisted Walking and Balance Training

The C-Mill VR+ device, featuring body weight support and balance clothing, offers advanced gait and balance training. It creates a “virtual reality environment” with a range of exercises designed to improve balance, walking, and cognitive function.

Visual motivation through games, live feedback, and music integration significantly boosts patient motivation and physical activity.

Robotic walking training
Robotic hand-arm training
Robotic balance and coordination training
Gait analysis
Spasticity evaluation and treatment
Swallowing and speech therapy
Personalized, intensified treatments

Acıbadem Taksim Hospital


We can support you to maximize your health

 With our holistic and personalized neurorehabilitation approach supported by robotic rehabilitation, we support the entire recovery process of our patients with comprehensive inpatient and outpatient physical therapies that last all day.

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Consult Our Doctors

Choose your preferred doctor to be examined and make an appointment in a few minutes. Just choose from the list below.

Choose Your Doctor

We can support you to maximize your health

 With our holistic and personalized neurorehabilitation approach supported by robotic rehabilitation, we support the entire recovery process of our patients with comprehensive inpatient and outpatient physical therapies that last all day.

Make an Appointment Online
Consult Our Doctors

Choose your preferred doctor to be examined and make an appointment in a few minutes. Just choose from the list below.

Choose Your Doctor
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Prof.Dr.Cihan AKSOY

"We use the latest technologies in the field of Robotic Rehabilitation."
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Assoc.Dr.Mustafa ÇORUM

"A comprehensive rehabilitation clinic that implements personalized programs."
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Assist.Prof.Ceyhun BAŞOĞLU

"We measure each patient's progress weekly."
What Do Our Patients Say?
Coming from you
Eski bir inme hastası olan ve son 1 yıldır yatağa bağımlı halam Hediye Akar’ın tekrar ayağa kaldırma ve yürüme sürecinde bizi umutlandıran ve bu umudu gerçeğe dönüştüren Mustafa hocama çok teşekkür ederim. Yenilikçi tedavilerin ve cihazların kullanıldığı bu benzersiz tedavi programı sayesinde halamın tekrar yürüyebilmesi bizi çok mutlu etti.
Hediye Akar
Zorlu beyin ameliyatları sonrası hastanede uzun süreli kalışımız sürecinde ilginiz ve alakanız için fizik tedavi bölümüne çok teşekkür ederim. Çok içten bir çalışma sundunuz ve sizden çok faydalandık.
Ekrem Doğdaş
Belçika’dan İstanbul’a düğünü için gelirken yolda başlayan bacak güçsüzlüğü, yürüyememe şikayetleri olan hastada çok nadir görülen omurilik iltihaplanması teşhisi konulmuş. İlaç tedavilerinden sonra hasta günde 4-5 saat süren yoğun kas güçlendirme, robotik fizik tedavi ve sanal gerçeklilik destekli yürüme ve denge eğitimleri ile 1 aylık süreç sonucu tekrar yürümeyi başardı.
Zilan Şahin
Acıbadem Taksim Hastanesindeki mükemmel ekibe çok teşekkür ederim. Kısa zamanda kızım Ralitsa’da çok büyük ilerleme oldu. Kızımın iyileşme sürecindeki yoğun çabaları ve desteği için Dr. Mustafa ve tüm fizyoterapist ekibine minnettarım.
Ralitsa Kirilova
Umutsuzluk içinde son bir umutla Acıbadem Taksim Hastanesine geldik. Burada ilk günden itibaren büyük bir sevgi, ilgi ve destek hissettik. Herkes bizimle çok ilgilendi. Eşimin de her geçen gün daha iyiye gittiğini görmek yeniden umutlanmamızı sağladı. Ben burada inandım ki eşimi iyileştireceğiz ve Gürcistan'a sağlıkla götüreceğiz. Kendisine de hiç korkmamasını, burada iyileşeceğine inancımızın ve onu buradan evimize iyileşerek götüreceğimize güvenimizin tam olduğunu söyledim ve bunu başardık. Çok minnettarım.
Phridon Surmanidze
4 kez başarısız omurga ameliyatı geçirdiğim ve sonda takılı şekilde yatağa bağımlı hale geldiğim için büyük bir umutsuzluğa düşmüştüm. Gittiğim ülkelerdeki tedaviden de fayda görememiştim. Son umut olarak, psikolojik açıdan yıkılmış şekilde tekerlekli sandalyeyle girdiğim hastaneden yürüyerek çıkmak tarif edilmez bir mutluluk. Artık başkasına bağımlı olmayacağım. Hastanede herkes üzerime titredi. Hayatım boyunca görmediğim ilgiyi gördüm, çok mutlu oldum. Allah hepsinden razı olsun.
Roqaya Wojdni

 Personalized – Comprehensive – Robotic Rehabilitation

 Boarding Robotics Neurorehabilitation

 Upon admission to our inpatient service, you will receive a fully personalized therapy program tailored to your needs and preferences. This includes regular consultations to optimize your therapy plan, with intensive daily sessions (4-6 hours) and 24-hour physician supervision. Your treatment will incorporate advanced technologies such as sensors, body weight support systems, and robotic devices, ensuring a comprehensive rehabilitation service throughout your treatment period.
NeuroverseClinic Neurorehabilitation Steps

1.Inpatient Physical Therapy
Receive an all-day (4-6 hours) rehabilitation service with 24-hour physician supervision. This includes a completely personalized therapy program tailored to your needs and preferences, regular consultations to optimize your therapy plan, and the use of advanced technologies such as sensors, body weight support systems, and robotic devices.

2.Outpatient Physical Therapy
After inpatient treatment, outpatient sessions (3-4 hours each) are crucial for maintaining, strengthening, and further developing the regained functions and abilities.

3.Physical Therapy at Home
We support a smooth transition back to your home, integrating your rehabilitation program into your daily routine within your personal and familiar surroundings.

4.Online Physical Therapy
Continue your rehabilitation from home via online channels. We will provide ongoing support in the areas you need.

Useful Information


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WhatsApp Image 2023-09-07 at 09.12.25
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WhatsApp Image 2023-09-07 at 09.12.26


What does Robotic Rehabilitation mean?

What does Robotic Treatment mean? It is a rehabilitation process in which robotic technologies are used to treat loss of function caused by neurological disorders. It is designed to improve the impairments in motor and movement functions that occur as a result of various neurological conditions such as stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Robotic neurorehabilitation aims to help patients regain mobility, increase muscle strength and coordination, and generally improve their quality of life.

How is robotic treatment performed?

Robotic rehabilitation treatment is a treatment process that aims to improve the physical functions of the individual, carried out using various robotic devices and systems. This treatment is especially suitable for patients with health problems such as stroke, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injury, musculoskeletal disorders and other neurological conditions.

To whom is robotic rehabilitation applied?

Robotic rehabilitation is critical for patients with stroke, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders. This technology helps patients improve their motor skills and movement capacity, meaning greater independence and quality of life in activities of daily living.

What is Robotic Physiotherapy?

Robotic rehabilitation offers many advantages over traditional rehabilitation methods, especially by providing patients with more practical and customized treatment opportunities. This technological approach can make the rehabilitation process more efficient and effective, and in some cases, help patients recover faster and more thoroughly.

What diseases are treated in the rehabilitation center?

Robotic rehabilitation is critical for patients with stroke, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders. This technology helps patients improve their motor skills and movement capacity, meaning greater independence and quality of life in activities of daily living.

Contact us

We are a comprehensive rehabilitation clinic that uses the latest technologies in the field of robotic rehabilitation and implements personalized programs that can integrate treatments that represent the future of neurorehabilitation treatments.

If you are in a medical emergency, call us immediately and we will answer your questions quickly.

Acıbadem Taksim Hospital
Online Appointment Form

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We are a comprehensive rehabilitation clinic that uses the latest technologies in the field of robotic rehabilitation and implements personalized programs that can integrate treatments that represent the future of neurorehabilitation treatments.

If you are in a medical emergency, call us immediately and we will answer your questions quickly.