Armeo Spring – Hand and Arm Robot
Armeo Spring® aids in restoring function in the arm, forearm, and wrist for patients who have experienced a stroke or have impaired arm function. This exoskeleton (wearable exoskeleton) supports the patient’s arm, reducing its weight and enhancing the active movement of the arm in 3-dimensional space.
The device features an adjustable suspension system for the upper extremity, which activates the patient’s existing strength, joint range of motion, and coordination. This allows the patient’s arm to be relaxed while engaging in exercises through virtual reality applications.
Armeo Spring® is unique in its ability to record even the smallest arm movements, assessing motor skills and coordination through programmed video games. Built-in sensors capture movements at each joint throughout the exercise, storing the data on a computer to estimate, compare, or document the patient’s progress.
The Armeo Therapy concept supports functional, task-specific, self-directed, and intensive movement therapy in a motivating and inspiring environment. Even patients with severe impairments can practice independently without constant supervision, offering the potential for full recovery.
Advantages of Hand and Arm Training with Armeo: